9 things you need to know about Quest One Password Manager

  1. Installation Folder

%systemdrive%\Program Files\Quest Software\Quest One Password Manager

  1. The configuration data is stored locally in the following folder:

%systemdrive%\ProgramData\Quest Software\Password Manager

  1. Password Manager configuration is stored in the following files:
  • local.storage
  • shared.storage
  1. Password Manager Service is called QPM Service
  1. Password Manager uses the scheduled task and the _QPMStorageContainer account to copy and distribute configuration data from one Password Manager instance to another, and to synchronize data among instances for consistency.
  1. _QPMStorageContainer is the configuration storage account that is automatically created in the Users container of the managed domain, when you add a managed domain to a user scope. This account is used for storing a copy of Password Manager configuration data and replicating the configuration changes between Password Manager instances.
  1. There is only one  ‘_QPMStorageContainer‘ Active Directory object per Quest Password Manager install.
  1. By defualt, Quest One Password Manager creates a local group named QPMAdmin on the local server where the QPM Service is installed and gives directory permissions to the QPMAdmin virtual directory in IIS.
  1. To grant permissions to a user account for gaining access to the QPMAdmin website, simply add the user account to the QPMAdmin local group on the Server where the Quest One Password Manager Administrator site is installed.