Changing your name is a hard unsolved problem in Computer Science

The nerdy joke is that there are only 2 hard problems in computer science:

  1. Naming things
  2. Cache invalidation
  3. Off by one errors

I’ve recently had the interesting experience of changing my name. I have my name: the one I use on a daily basis, the one I identify with, the one to which I actually respond. I also have the name I was born under, or my “deadname” in the colloquial trans parlance. I don’t really identify with this name any more, but it follows me around like a spectre haunting Europe. There’s now a noticeable gap between me hearing my deadname and realising someone’s referring to me. It’s fun to see how quickly those things change.

So, this brings me to my primary conceit for this post. We, as an industry, are horrible at accepting name changes for folks. In this post I’ll give some examples of things I’ve seen done wrong. I’ll show you how you can make your application better for folks who are changing their name. Let’s dive in!

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