Checklist: Determine If You Need an Access Management Solution

Checklist: Determine If You Need an Access Management Solution

There are many different products on the market to assist with identity and access management (IAM) issues from a multitude of vendors, however, it is often difficult to know which solution your organization needs, if any at all. Each organization is different and so are their needs in terms of software and technology solutions. Organizational leaders should first take a look through the following list to see which areas of their account and password management they may need help with. All of these issues have IAM solutions that can help resolve these problems.

So what are the areas that your organization should look at to evaluate their account and password management? Here is a list of just a few.

How many applications do end users log into each day and what are the password policies for these applications?

If your employees are logging into upwards of even four applications each day they are probably having password issues. Needing to enter credentials several times each time a system needs to be accessed can be inefficient, especially for employees who directly help customers. Anything that interferes with the customer service process can be an issue.

Read more at – Checklist: Determine If You Need an Access Management Solution

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