City of Carlsbad Ensures Success of Identity & Access Management Project

Fischer International Identity, LLC, the leader in cloud-based identity management, announced today that the City of Carlsbad has selected Fischer Identity Suite™ to provide identity management services. A rigorous evaluation and proof of concept ensured the selected product meets the City’s near- and long-term business, technology, and budgetary requirements.

The City, an eight-year veteran of identity management, determined that a new identity solution would deliver more value, in less time and at lower overall cost than updating and extending their current solution. “We researched a variety of vendors and invited our top picks to show how their products would meet the City’s requirements in a detailed proof of concept,” said Gordon Peterson, IT Director at City of Carlsbad. “Our top priority was to find a solution that would provide the capabilities we needed while being easy for end users. Operational simplicity was also key for us, ideally with a cloud-based option. In our final bake-off of vendors, Fischer rose to the top, completing all the tasks we asked of them with ease.”

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