Creating a Custom Adapter in OIM 11g

Check the next blog and learn about how to Create a Custom Adapter in OIM 11.

The purpose of this entry is to explain how to create a custom adapter in OIM. The adapter will write to an external file. This functionality could easily be changed to modify a database or some other process. We will use a jar to do the actual heavy lifting so almost anything you can do with java you can do through the adapter. These steps continue where the Custom Resource Object guide finished off using the resource object created there.


  • Create a java class that has one method which accepts 4 arguments (username, firstname, lastname, favColor) and appends that info to a text file as a CSV. The file path should be passed as an argument to the constructor.
  • Copy the jar to the required OIM location
  • Create the adapter
  • Add new Process Task
  • Add as follow-on to Provisioning task

Creating a Custom Adapter in OIM 11g here…