Display a Password Change Agreement Message in Open Source Password Self Service for LDAP directories (PWM)

PWM allows you to display a Password Change Agreement Message to user before being allowed to change password. This message may include HTML tags and PWM Macros.

Follow the next steps to include you customized Password Change Agreement Message:

1. Select or go to the PWM Configuration Editor

2. Select Modules > Change Password


3. Go to the Password Change Agreement Message section
4. By default this section do not include any message.



5. In the default textbox include your agreement message. Remember you can use plain text, html and PWM macros.

Dear @User:ID@ , Your password will be changed Today @PWM:CurrentTime:EEE, MMM d, yyyy@.
Remember you can access to the next @PWM:SiteURL@ URL to do any other operation.

Thanks you for your activity today




5. Save your changes and review the output.

a. Login with a test account



b. Select Change Password


c. Your Custom message is displayed before to proceed for a password change.



d. Change your password


e. Wait for the system for Change your password.



f. A Success message is displayed. Click Continue to finish.
