Forgerock OpenIDM Add New User

Forgerock OpenIDM Add New User

Forgerock OpenIDM opensource identity manager product provides a user form to add new user. Below screenshot steps.

1. Login to the OpenIDM Admin Console ( https://localhost:8443/admin/ ) with the openidm-admin credentials.

2. Select Manage and click New User button  in OpenIDM admin console.

3. Complete the user data in the OpeniDM New User Form. As you can see the last button allows you to assign a Manager.

4.After completed the OpenIDM new user data, OpenIDM presents you with a screen to introduce a password.  Click Save to complete the creation process.

5. Once created, OpenIDM display you the user information captured and additional navigation options that will allow you to manage the users within the OpenIDM solution.

6. If you click back, now OpenIDM display to you the User List with a summary fields information for your user base.