ForgeRock OpenIDM Test Email Configuration using REST API
The OpenIDM outbound email service relies on a configuration object to identify the email account that is used to send messages. The configuration file is located at openidm/conf/
The OpenIDM configuration file have the following structure:
“host” : “”,
“port” : “587”,
“debug” : false,
“auth” : {
“enable” : true,
“username” : “xxxxxxxx”,
“password” : “xxxxxxxx”
“starttls” : {
“enable” : true
In order to configure and test OpenIDM Email service follow the next steps:
1. Login to the OpenIDM Admin Console ( https://localhost:8443/admin/ ) with the openidm-admin credentials.
2. OpenIDM present you the menu options. Go to Menu Configure and Select System Preferences
3. In the OpenIDM System Preferences select the Email navigation tab and complete the host, port & user name configuration.
Saving on this screen will be saved in the OpenIDM configuration file called openidm/conf/
4. Using any REST client for your preference make a call to the REST API passing the right parameters.
OpenIDM Rest URL: http://localhost:8080/openidm/external/email?_action=send
Make sure you configure basic authorization and content type.
Username: application/json
Content-Type : application/json
Specify the body for the request:
“subject”:”OpenIDM Test Email”,
“body”:”Testing REST Service for email in OpenIDM”
4. At this point OpenIDM sent an email to specify to in your Jason formatting body.