How the Identity & Access Management Industry is Unbundling

Identity and Access Management is going through a new golden age. The movement to IAM as a foundational tool for B2E security and B2C business enablement is quite well known. The vendor narrative, funding and growth in both sectors is well documented. However, we’re also starting to see identity functions proliferate in a range of orthogonal technology areas. What about device security and IoT enablement? What about modern data security at both the “little data” and “big data” focus points? Aviation, automotive and rail all now rely heavily on identity at both the individual and non-person entity level. Are existing architectures able to deliver value across such a diverse range of use cases and integration points?

Identity and access management emerged in the employee space – where operational efficiency, productivity and connectivity where big measures of success. “If you connect system X to HR, we can provision a new contractor in 70% less time”. That is a nice tangible and more importantly measurable state of affairs that allowed B2E systems to proliferate. Secondary drivers such as regulatory compliance helped shift huge budgets to governance, provisioning and access control systems throughout the 2000’s.

Read more at Security Boulevard – How the Identity & Access Management Industry is Unbundling