Installing OpenAM

Some of the basics requirements for the initial installation for OpenAM are to have Java installed and a supported application server as the deployment container. We’ll use Tomcat to show you some screens about the installation process . One important task before to start the deployment of the opensso.war is to modify the Java Heap parameter on your Tomcat instance with at least -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m.

On this post we’ll show you some screen about the process. The installation was executed using Tomcat 7

After you deployed the opensso.war you need to go to the browser to install the installation.

Go to the http://localhost:80/opensso and you’ll see the screen to start the installation for OpenAM. Here you can choose for a Create a Default Configuration or Create New Configuration. For this example we’ll choose Create a Default Configuration

OpenAM Installation

After you select the default configuration, a screen appears to introduce the password for the openAM default users and default policy agent. Here introduce a password and click Create Configuration

OpenAM Installation

At this point OpenAM we’ll start the installation process and wait windows is displayed.

OpenAM Installation

Once the OpenAM installation and configuration is completed, you’ll see a window with a Configuration Complete message. You can click on the proceed to login button to start using the OpenAM instance.

OpenAM Installation

On the Sign In to OpenAM page you’ll need to introduce the credentials to access to the configuration screens. You can use the default OpenAM user name account called amAdmin with the password you introduced during the installation.

OpenAM Installation

If the credentials were properly introduced, openAM will allow you to login and load the common task tab with some recommended initial tasks.

OpenAM Installation

You can learn more about OpenAM on the Forgerock website