Privileged Access Management (PAM) – The importance of strategy
Threats to IT security come from a range of different areas, whether that be viruses, hacktivists or malicious malware attacks you will have systems and policies in place to defend against these common enemies, but what about a threat a little closer to home, one that is unavoidable in its nature and at the heart of our business…privileged accounts.
Privileged accounts represent a huge security risk to organizations, given the elevated access permissions associated with them, an external attacker or a disgruntled employee could cause significant damage to the IT infrastructure if they are not restricted correctly. With an ability to bypass IT security controls, bring IT operations to a standstill and leak restricted information these accounts need to be proactively managed and the correct controls put in place to ensure this risk is reduced.
Read more at – Privileged Access Management (PAM) – The importance of strategy