Tools4ever’s Password Reset Software Ready for BYOD

Tools4ever, a market leader in Identity & Access Management (IdM/IAM), has made its Self Service Reset Password Management (SSRPM) solution suitable for Bring Your Own Device. With the latest version of SSRPM, employees can now use the service on mobile systems i.e; laptops, tablets, and smartphones, so that end users can easily reset their Windows passwords anywhere, anytime. Once the end user has answered a set of questions correctly, the user may then reset his or her own password.

Additionally, CAPTCHA functionality has now been added to the web interface. CAPTCHA requires users to enter randomly generated letters and numbers shown in order, to verify they are human. This functionality can now easily be enabled or disabled by the system administrator.
In the latest version it is also now possible to add SSRPM profiles on the basis of security groups. Previously, profiles were only assignable at the domain or Organisational Unit (OU) level. This feature has been developed specifically for organisations which do not wish to modify their OU structure. Additionally, the software has been translated into Chinese.

Source Digital Journal