Quest One Identity Manger is a database driven product and in order to work with the correct functionality and high-performance it is necessary to process several database procedures held by the Identity Manager database on a cyclical basis. Every operation executed by Quest One Identity Manager will go to a Job Server to proceed with their execution.
On the Quest One Identity Manager database there are some jobs that allow the product keep processing jobs:
Those jobs are :
• vid_DBScheduler
• vid_DialogSchedule
• vi_PayLoadSchedule
• vid_CompressJobQueueStats
• vid_ClearConnects
Below is some description from each one of the jobs taken from the Quest One Identity Management Documentation
o vid_DBScheduler
The DBScheduler assumes the task of calculating processing tasks from the DBQueue. TheDBScheduler is called from the database ask “vid_DBScheduler”.
o vid_DialogSchedule
This database schedule checks the tasks in the system part of the Identity Manager database and runs the tasks at regular intervals.
o vi_PayLoadSchedule
This database schedule checks the tasks in the user part of the Identity Manager database and runs the tasks at regular intervals.
o vid_CompressJobQueueStats
When the configuration parameter “Common\JobQueueStats” is set, for any action that altersthe Job queue (such as changing or deleting a process), a new entry is created in the table “Jobqueuestats”. The procedure vid_CompressJobQueueStats compresses the entries on anhourly basis and re-enters them with a new UID. The compression takes place for every hournot including the current one.
o vid_ClearConnects
This database schedule tests database connections for activity and deletes those that have been inactive for more than 4 hours.
Below is an image on the server where the jobs are stored.