Sailpoint IdentityIQ allows you to delete any identity within the system. You can do it thru the console or UI. On this post we will show you how to perform a delete for a single user using the IdentityIQ console. This can be very useful for implementer working on their sandbox or testing the initial load mechanism in the implementation.
- Check in the Sailpoint IdentityIQ Home > Identities >Identity Warehouse the identities available. For this exercise we will delete the Identity with user name 999001

2. To delete an account with the IdentityIQ console, open a command prompt window, go to the webapps\identityiq\WEB-INF\bin
Your path will depend in the installation folder for your application folder.

3. Execute the iiq console to initialize it.

4. Once the IdentityIQ system load the console, you can list the available identities using the list identity command.

5. The list identity command will return the list of identities available in the IdentityIQ system.

6. To delete an identity, use the delete command. For this example we will delte the 999001 identity. Use the command delete identity 999001

7. IdentityIQ will return to the prompt displaying the Deleting Identity 999001 message.

8. Now you can go to the Sailpoint IdentityIQ home page and check Home > Identities >Identity Warehouse . The 999001 identity was deleted from the IdentitIQ repository.

From within the console, you can run delete identity * to clear out all Identities from IdentityIQ system.Using the delete identity * will remove all identities other than spadmin, which is a protected object.